According to the United Nations, human trafficking is the recruitment, transportation, transfer, harboring, or receipt of people through force, fraud, or deception, to exploit them for profit. This crime happens everywhere – whether we are aware of it or not. Individuals of all ages and all types of backgrounds can become victims of this crime.
Human traffic is difficult to detect due to its complexity and dynamic. One of the biggest challenges to measuring impact and combating trafficking is the lack of reliable data. However, organizations from around the world have tried to collect data and use it to tackle this alarming issue. Learning about data and the people behind those numbers is an important first step, so here we share some of the data collected from the Counter-Trafficking Data Collaborative (CTDC), the first global data hub on human trafficking:
Victims trafficked in Africa are in almost equal proportions male and female, and more than half are children.
Over two-thirds of victims trafficked in the Americas experience sexual exploitation. Over 80% of victims are female, and almost a third are children.
Most victims exploited in Asia are trafficked for labor exploitation, particularly into domestic work.
The majority of victims trafficked in Europe are adults, with a slightly higher proportion trafficked for labor than sexual exploitation.
Approximately a fifth of all victims are children, with girls and boys comprising respectively 56% and 44%
Victims of trafficking for sexual exploitation are controlled primarily by psychological control tactics.
IOM case data show that 80% of international human trafficking journeys cross through official border points, such as airports and land border control points.
Around a third of victims traveling through official border points are not exploited during their journey and are unaware they are being trafficked.
Most victims of trafficking for labor exploitation are trafficked into domestic work, construction and agriculture, manufacturing, and hospitality.
Victims trafficked for sexual exploitation are recruited most often by an intimate partner, and are more likely to be recruited by friends and family than victims of trafficking for labor exploitation.
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